21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Upside Down Kingdom

May 19 - June 8, 2024

FBC Brewster takes 3 weeks every year to have a focused time of prayer and fasting for 21 days. Usually it is at the beginning of the year but since we are going through Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and just looked at His teachings on prayer and fasting we choose now as the time.  

A lot can happen in 21 days. May God give you the wisdom to know the right thing to do and the courage to do it as you hear God's voice through these 21 days of Jesus speaking to you.

Click below to download a copy to our electronic device:

Download English PDF Version

Digital (for smartphone or app use only - Epub and iBook)

Also, we encourage you to fast. Below are some different ways to fast during these 21 days.

1) Partial Fast - not eating for 1 or 2 meals on a day or abstaining from certain kinds of foods for a designated period of time. This could also be like a 12 hour fast.

2) All-Day Fast - abstaining from food one day or multiple days per week for 24 hours.

Note: we are suggesting a 12 hour fast on Thursday, May 23rd, 30th, and June 6th.

If you have any questions please contact the church at info@brewsterchurch.com or 845-279-2636.